COVID-19 impact on funded neurological research

At the Neurological Foundation we know how important the research you help fund is to you, our supporters.

You have helped fund so many diverse and extraordinary projects over the years and with your unwavering support, the scientists and clinicians have been able to make ground-breaking discoveries.

That is why it is vital we keep you up-to-date with the most current decisions our Council and Research Manager are making regarding the research we are currently funding, and future grant rounds.

To ensure our first grant round of 2020 can continue amidst the uncertainty this lockdown brings, the Foundation has made some small changes:

  • The deadline for our first round of applications for projects and small projects in 2020 was extended to 6 April 2020
  • The Scientific Advisory Committee will review all applications using online means such as video conferencing tools
  • All Travel Grant applications have been suspended until global travel restrictions are lifted

Over the years the Foundation has focused on building a financial reserve to ensure research is not impacted by short term funding issues such as the one we are currently experiencing. It is important that no matter what happens to the Foundation, the research you have so passionately supported, as well as future funding, continues. In the context of COVID-19, having these reserves will ensure valuable research is able to get back on track once restrictions are lifted, and that salaries do not stop midway through.

On Friday 27 March, the Council, CEO and Research Manager reviewed the current situation and potential options for how the Neurological Foundation can best support current research during the nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19.

There was an electronic motion passed that agreed the following,

As most research is not considered essential during the COVID-19 lockdown, the Council has decided to supply additional support to our scholarship and fellowship recipients. The Foundation shall immediately grant a 3-month salary/stipend extension to those with a current scholarship or fellowship.

Additionally, the Council has approved the development of a “grant-in-aid” plan for all our current grant holders, which includes projects and small projects. This plan shall be presented to the Council for approval as soon as the plan is finalised. 

Supporting the research community during this uncertain time is a priority of the Foundation’s. We want to assure all of you, our dedicated supporters, that your generosity over the years will be directly tied to the continuation of neurological research.

We will continue to update you as information becomes readily available, and we hope you will continue to support these scientists and clinicians that are dependent on our funding.

Thank you for your continued support, over the years and in future years to come.

COVID-19 Announcements

Read our recent announcements to find out more about changes to our funding due to COVID-19

COVID-19 Announcement 2 April 2020

COVID-19 Announcement 14 April 2020

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