Regular Giving

Regular donations are a great way to support us and help us plan for the future. By supporting the Neurological Foundation you’re helping us work towards a better future for all New Zealanders.

Supporting research and education

Support from people like you allows us to fund neurological research and education in New Zealand. You can choose the frequency and amount of your regular donation.


Update your online donation

You can update your regular donation amount, frequency, or payment method here

Recurring Credit Card

If you would like to set up a recurring credit card payment, please do so using our online donation form. When inputting your details, make sure you select the frequency with which you would like to donate i.e. monthly.



Direct Debit

If you would like to set up regular payments from your bank account you can set up a Direct Debit, which will occur on the 20th of each month. Please fill out the form and return it back to us via post.

Direct Debit form


Automatic Payment

You can set up an automatic payment either by doing so on your bank's website, or by visiting your local branch. 

Bank: ANZ
Branch: Queen Street
Account Name: The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand

Account Number: 06 0287 0133301 02

Please include your name as a reference and, if you know your supporter ID number, please also include it. Then contact us via to notify us, making sure to mention the start date, frequency and amount. That way our finance department can ensure you are receipted correctly, and that you can be inducted into our regular giving programme.


Via Phone

If you would like to set up regular giving over the phone with your credit card, you can call us during business hours: 0508 BRAINS (272467). 


Contact our team if you need further assistance:

Free Phone
0508 BRAINS (272 467)

Email Us

Every dollar counts
Each year the Foundation receives hundreds of requests to support neurological research.
Help us to fund neurological research and education in New Zealand.
Make a donation

Help us make a difference today